Shipping policy



Shipping Information

We offer free standard shipping worldwide, please allow us up to 4 business days to process your order.

Country/Region  Transit Time Shipping Costs
United States 7-14 days  Free
Canada 7-14 days  Free
United Kingdom 7-14 days  Free
Australia 7-14 days  Free
New Zealand 7-14 days  Free
Europe 7-14 days Free
China 7-14 days  Free
All other countries 7-21 days  Free

Shipping times may vary, but rest assured we work our hardest to get you your order as quickly as possible. Please note, we do not ship on the weekend or holidays.

Tracking Your Order

You’ll receive a shipment confirmation email with a tracking number as soon as the shipping company processes your order.

You can track your order by clicking the tracking number in the shipping confirmation email you received.

You can also track your order by entering the tracking number you received on:

Due to stock levels, if you have ordered more than one item, please expect to receive your items separately.


Modifying Your Order

If you wish to change an order after you’ve submitted it, please contact us at within an hour, and we’ll do our best to find the best solution.

This policy is designed to ensure that order changes can be made efficiently before the order processing begins. Contacting within an hour increases the likelihood of successfully modifying your order to meet your needs.





Due to increased demand please allow an additional 4 business days to process your order, prior to shipping. In addition, please note Domestic and International carriers are operating with an expected delay of an additional 10-15 business days on top of already defined transit times due to COVID-19. Certain locations, especially larger cities, are experiencing additional delays due to labor shortages. 


Shipping Updates for international Orders

Domestic and International shipping is experiencing a general slowdown across the board regarding both shipping and tracking information. Please allow 72 hours after fulfilment for tracking information to display properly. 

Due to the impact of COVID-19 please expect shipping carrier delays for both domestic and international orders. This includes expedited orders. While we do not have exact timing for delays at this time, we are monitoring the status closely and will keep you posted about when your order will arrive. If you purchased internationally and your order status hasn’t changed between 7-14 days from the last tracking update we will consider the package lost. If you have further questions, or if you would like to cancel your order, please email


Delivery Failure

If after two attempts delivery of your parcel becomes impossible, we will try to find a safe place to leave it, and will also leave a note to let you know where your parcel is and how to pick it up. If you are not going to be in the place of delivery at the convened time, please contact us to agree on another delivery date.

If 15 days after your parcel is available for delivery the parcel has not been delivered for reasons not attributable to us, we will understand that you want to cancel the agreement and it will therefore be terminated. Following said termination we will refund you the price paid for such products as soon as possible and in any event within a maximum of 30 days from the date in which we deem the agreement to be terminated. In such case, we will be authorised to charge you the transportation costs arising from the shipping and termination costs.